Budgeting 101
Everyone's budget is going to look different, so don't compare yourself to your friend or the couple you think has "made it". Just focus on where you are TODAY and what you can do every single day to get to where you want to be.
2020 Word of the Year Reveal
As I was thinking about my word for 2020, I was getting stumped. There is a lot of change coming this year…
23 Things I’ve Learned in 23 Years
Sharing a few staple items I've learned throughout my 23 years....and mainly throughout my last 10 haha. I'm not an expert in any of these, but I'm trying to apply them every single day!
2019 Word of the Year: Reflection
This year I chose the word IMPACT. At the end of the year I always review and reflect how I did in focusing on my word what I accomplished because of it.
Fall Bucket List
I've broken out all the fall candles, pumpkins are decorated and put out on the porch, and the weather has even felt like fall (in the mornings at least). Now I'm ready for some fun activities to kick off the season.
2020 Word of the Year Update
At the beginning of the year, I announced that my word was fearless. And I was terrified to choose that word! I was scared that God would test me in the most difficult ways to see if I would truly live out a fearless mindset and faith.
How to Have a Positive New Year
At the beginning of the year it's easy to have a positive attitude about all the blessings that are in store for you, all the things you plan to accomplish and so on. But as the days pass by and as obstacles arise, it's a little more difficult to keep your eyes focused on the positive.
Insider Guide to Running
You're probably here for one of these three reasons. One being you are already a runner and are curious how to be better, two being you absolutely hate running and want to learn to like it, and three... you have never been into running and don't know where to even begin.
My Redemption Story
My story at Kentucky was nothing short of miracles, but it didn't stop there. After God had removed me from the soccer team at Kentucky and I announced I was going to transfer, He showed me a plan that I would've never written for myself and redeemed me in ways I could've never imagined.
One Word Resolution
My family started a new tradition about 4 years ago for New Year Resolutions. We used to come up with 5 things we wanted to accomplish within the next year. Jon Gordon changed our family’s perspective on New Year Resolutions completely through his concept of choosing one word.
My Journey to a Toxin-Free Lifestyle
Over the past year, I have taken small steps towards a healthier lifestyle. Yes, of course I began with the basics of working out consistently, and shifted my eating habits to focus on eating for my overall health vs a fad diet. But I've taken it a step further than that
Reason for the Season
I am all about working hard, making lists and achieving more, but when it comes to the holidays I think it would do us all good if we took some time to reflect on the reason for the season.
Spring Date Ideas
Now that the weather is warming up and flowers are in full bloom, it's time to get off the couch, turn off that Netflix show you have watched 3 times already and get creative with your date ideas this Spring!
Valentine’s Ideas
Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays! Mainly because I try to be creative and show the people I care about that I love them in a simple, yet thoughtful way. You don't have to spend a ton of money on Valentine's Day, and I want to show you how!
Valentine’s Gift Ideas
Every Valentine's Day I like to get creative in my gift giving. I don't like to buy actual presents since we just had Christmas and my birthday is in March, so I like to be more sweet and creative this time around.
Waco Travel Guide
Is that a little over 5 years ago I wouldn't even have the need to write a travel guide on little ol' Waco.
8 Steps to Simplify Your Life
Did you know that the first week of August is "Simplify Your Life Week"? I thought it would be fun to give y'all a few "simple" ways to simplify your life before back to school/fall season!
5 Lessons D1 Soccer Taught Me
Playing college soccer was a BIG trial that I had to overcome. My experience was different than most, but was more common than you think.
6 Work From Home Hacks
I’ve been working from home for 3 years now and I’m never looking back! It has always been a goal of mine to find a job that I can balance my personal life and work life throughout the day