6 Things I Do Every Day
Routines are the thing that keep me sharp and feeling mentally and physically sound. Having a few things I do every single day keeps me grounded, focused and on track to accomplish my goals for the day. Routines don't have to be long and complicated - it's actually best if they're simple and achievable so that you can stick to them day after day.
Here are six things I do every day! Or at least try to ;)
1. Make My Bed
"If you want to change the world, start with making your bed" - Admiral William H. McRaven
Admiral McRaven spoke at the UT 2014 Commencement Ceremony and this speech has stuck with me for the longest time! The way I look at it, is that I started my day off winning and if I get nothing else done that day at least I made my bed! More often than not, it actually helps me accomplish more knowing that I have already gotten one thing off my list to get the ball rolling.
2. Read My Devo
If I'm being honest I'm not perfect at this one. Sometimes I let the day get away from me first thing in the morning and I don't spend time in God's word. These days are usually the most hectic because I'm relying on my own strength throughout the day!
My mind, heart and body are always at peace when I start my day with God. Sometimes I just pray, sometimes I read a chapter from the Bible, and others I'll read a devotional.
Here are some of my favorite devotionals and ones that are on my list!
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3. Workout
If you've been following me for a while you know I love to workout! I've tried a variety of ways to train and I always come back to quick HIIT style workouts and circuit style training. When I move my body, I have more energy throughout the day, my mind and body feel strong, my confidence is high and I end up making better eating choices.
Even if you only have time for a 5-10 min workout, something is better than nothing. Lately I’ve been utilizing a 1-1 coaching program through Maximize You Coaching where they create custom workouts and macros for you and I’ve seen great results with this! If you’re looking for some workout ideas - Madeline Moves has an affordable app with all sorts of training styles, youtube has tons of free content and FitOn is a free workout app I’ve used before as well.
4. Prioritize My Tasks For The Day
Well, I actually do this the night before but I always review it first thing in the morning! At night I write out everything I have in my head that needs to get done the following day - this helps me sleep sound at night not worrying that I'm going to forget something. Then I go through and circle or highlight my top priorities for the day, the rest are just bonuses!
If I don't finish a task by the end of the day, I move it to the list for the next day.
5. Drink at Least 8 Glasses of Water
I use a Stanley (basic, I know) to help get my water in and I’m able to drink 2, sometimes 3, full bottles every single day which is around 12+ glasses. 8 glasses is the minimum, but half your body weight in oz should be the goal!
6. Do at Least One Thing to Challenge Myself
I know you're probably thinking "Taylor, all of the things you just listed should challenge you!" But if you know me, those are things I expect of myself and usually aren’t things that really “challenge” me once I’m in the habit of doing them. Going above and beyond with one extra thing to improve myself is what really pushes the envelope for me to be better than I was the day before.
Examples of this are to read a chapter of a book, work towards accomplishing one of my goals for the month/year, cross something off my to do list early so I can rest the next day, learn something new to better my business, etc.